🕌 As-Sunnah Masjid & Pitsmoor Muslim Islamic Community Centre
📩 Address: 18 Kirk Street, Pitsmoor, Sheffield, Yorkhire, S4 7JX
☎️ Contact: (temporary) 07946 145 743 🧕👨 Gender: Male/Female
🏪 Type: Masjid/Mosque
📊 Data Accuracy: A - Excellent
📑 Additional Information
🔔 Following: Mixed
👨👨Management: Mixed
📜 Other Names: Pitsmoor Muslim Islamic Community Centre, As-Sunnah Mosque
👨👩👧👦 Capacity: 2500
🖼️ Mosque Photo Gallery
No images found in the directory.
⏰ Prayer Times
Date | Fajr | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
05/02/25 | 05:57 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:29 PM | 04:57 PM | 06:32 PM |
06/02/25 | 05:55 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:31 PM | 04:59 PM | 06:33 PM |
07/02/25 | 05:54 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:32 PM | 05:00 PM | 06:35 PM |
08/02/25 | 05:52 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:34 PM | 05:02 PM | 06:37 PM |
09/02/25 | 05:51 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:35 PM | 05:04 PM | 06:38 PM |
10/02/25 | 05:49 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:36 PM | 05:06 PM | 06:40 PM |
11/02/25 | 05:48 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:38 PM | 05:08 PM | 06:41 PM |
12/02/25 | 05:46 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:39 PM | 05:10 PM | 06:43 PM |
13/02/25 | 05:44 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:41 PM | 05:11 PM | 06:45 PM |
14/02/25 | 05:43 AM | 12:14 PM | 02:42 PM | 05:13 PM | 06:46 PM |
🌦️ Current Weather
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
Local Time: 2025-02-05 15:45
Weather: Partly cloudy
8.4 ℃ (47.1 ℉)
8.1 mph (13 kph)
Degree: 282
Direction: WNW
Gust: 10.7 mph (17.2 kph)
Weather Report
Today on February 5, 2025, the temperature will be 8.4℃ (47.1℉). It will feel like 6.2℃ (43.2℉). The wind will be 8.1 mph (13 kph) and humidity will be 76%.
🌤️ 3-Day Forecast
Date | Condition | Max Temp (℃/℉) | Min Temp (℃/℉) |
2025-02-05 | Partly Cloudy | 6.8 ℃ (44.3 ℉) | 1.2 ℃ (34.1 ℉) |
2025-02-06 | Sunny | 6.3 ℃ (43.3 ℉) | 0.1 ℃ (32.2 ℉) |
2025-02-07 | Patchy rain nearby | 5.5 ℃ (41.9 ℉) | -0.1 ℃ (31.8 ℉) |
🚎 Nearby Transport Links with Timetables
Loading travel information, please wait...
👨💼 Local Parliamentary Information
Display As: Gill Furniss | List As: Furniss, Gill |
MP Name: Gill Furniss MP | Gender: Female |
Constituency: Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough | Party Name: Labour |
Website: https://gillfurniss.com | Mp parliamentary email: gill.furniss.mp@parliament.uk |
Mp parliamentary phone: 0207 219 0364 | Mp constituency phone: 0114 234 9079 |
Twitter: @https://twitter.com/gillfurnissmp | House Start Date: 2016-05-05 |
Status: Current Member |
👮 Local Crime Data
Crime Data for Latitude: 53.39248657, Longitude: -1.45525205
Crime Categories (Highest Count First)
Category | Count | Action | |
VIOLENT CRIME | 194 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Malton Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Pitsmoor Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Bard Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Woodcock Place | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hoyle Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fieldhouse Way | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near North Bank | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Rise | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Christ Church Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Wybourn Hall Drive | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Carwood Grove | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near B6071 | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near B6071 | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Adelaide Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Montfort Drive | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near White Croft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Theatre/concert Hall | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Anson Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maxwell Way | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Silver Street Head | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Westbar Green | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Ellesmere Road North | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St Peter's Close | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Brunswick Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Manor Oaks Gardens | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Roe Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gun Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gun Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maxwell Way | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near York Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Crescent | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maxwell Way | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Rise | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Rise | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Batworth Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gibraltar Street | Action to be taken by another organisation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Steelhouse Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fitzalan Square | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Place | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Crescent | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Bernard Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fox Street | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nursery Lane | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Andover Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shirecliffe Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hartshead | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Victoria Station Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Steelhouse Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hartshead | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Devon Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gun Lane | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Crescent | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Broad Street Lane | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Stepney Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Andover Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Earl Marshal Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Osgathorpe Crescent | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hoyle Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Stafford Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fir Vale Place | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Malton Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Osgathorpe Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Cranworth Place | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Anson Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Petrol Station | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Grimesthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gun Lane | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near College Close | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Bard Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near College Close | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fitzalan Square | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Theatre/concert Hall | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Pitsmoor Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Lyons Close | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Blue Boy Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Manor Oaks Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Earl Marshal Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Christ Church Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Dun Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nottingham Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Orphanage Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Victoria Station Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Devon Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Devon Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Wood Spring Court | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Wood Spring Court | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Manor Oaks Gardens | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Theatre/concert Hall | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Lady's Bridge | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fitzalan Square | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Burngrove Place | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Burngrove Place | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hoyle Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Manor Way | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Millsands | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near College Close | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near College Close | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Close | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Close | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Pye Bank Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Batworth Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Westbar Green | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Margate Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Victoria Station Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Douglas Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near De La Salle Drive | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near York Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Wicker | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Lyons Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near King Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gun Lane | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR | 88 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Rising Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Burngrove Place | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Nottingham Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Woodbine Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Theatre/concert Hall | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Petre Drive | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Roe Lane | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Park/open Space | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near White Croft | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Close | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Crescent | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Passhouses Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near King Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Tenter Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Atlas Way | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Nightclub | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Gilbert Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Kelham Square | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near White Croft | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Anson Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Anson Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Verdon Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Pye Bank Drive | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Tenter Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Douglas Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Stepney Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near King Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Stadium Way | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Verdon Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Margate Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Margate Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near King Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Bressingham Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Batworth Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Bakers Lane | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Nightclub | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Margate Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Wharf Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Ebenezer Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Wicker | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Baltic Lane | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Atlas Way | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near York Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Paradise Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Paradise Lane | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Paradise Lane | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Blue Boy Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Tenter Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Townhead Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Maxwell Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Hartshead | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Pitsmoor Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Bressingham Close | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Broad Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Handley Street | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Hampton Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Christ Church Road | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Osgathorpe Crescent | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | N/A | N/A |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | N/A | N/A |
PUBLIC ORDER | 63 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Nursery Lane | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Aston Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near York Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Lancaster Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Lancaster Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Steelhouse Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gun Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Tenter Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Clun Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Stepney Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Stepney Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Spital Hill | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hoyle Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Margate Drive | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fitzalan Square | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Snig Hill | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Atlas Way | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Handley Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nursery Lane | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St James Row | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Baltic Lane | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near King Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Esperanto Place | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near King Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Wicker | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near B6071 | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Stockton Close | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Petrol Station | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Aston Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Cranworth Place | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Lady's Bridge | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
SHOPLIFTING | 53 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near York Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Esperanto Place | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
OTHER THEFT | 37 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Conference/exhibition Centre | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Supermarket | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Cornish Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near White's Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Theatre/concert Hall | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Burngrove Place | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Devon Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Brinsworth Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Otter Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near New Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near B6071 | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Theatre/concert Hall | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gilbert Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Kelham Square | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gilbert Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fir Vale Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Margate Drive | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Buckenham Drive | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nursery Lane | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
CRIMINAL DAMAGE ARSON | 36 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sturton Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Tenter Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gun Lane | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Paradise Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Crescent | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Aston Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Bard Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Margate Drive | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Blue Boy Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Spital Lane | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Burngreave Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Crown Place | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skipton Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nottingham Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near White's Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St James Row | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Old Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Lancaster Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Esperanto Place | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maxwell Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Cranworth Place | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Christ Church Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Verdon Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Garter Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Osgathorpe Crescent | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
OTHER CRIME | 36 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Passhouses Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Buckenham Drive | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hoyle Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St James Row | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Avenue | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Silver Street Head | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fir Vale Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Canada Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Wood Spring Court | Further investigation is not in the public interest | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Bakers Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
DRUGS | 34 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sutherland Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Wood Fold | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near College Close | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St James Row | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shirley Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fir View Gardens | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Cawston Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St Peter's Close | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Pye Bank Drive | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Earldom Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Crabtree Crescent | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shirley Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Offender given a drugs possession warning | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Blonk Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Snig Hill | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Brinsworth Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Atlas Way | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Polka Court | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Way | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Somerset Street | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shirley Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Local resolution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Swinton Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Maltravers Place | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Police Station | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
BURGLARY | 33 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Avenue | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Rise | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Woodcock Place | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Snig Hill | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Chatham Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near North Church Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Castlegate | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Polka Court | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sports/recreation Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nunnery Court | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Bank Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near York Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skipton Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Crown Place | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Crabtree Crescent | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gibraltar Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Green Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sturton Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Oughton Way | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Avenue | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Avenue | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Manor Way | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Kelham Island | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nunnery Court | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Nunnery Court | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sturton Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Douglas Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Stadium Way | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High View | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Strutt Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
VEHICLE CRIME | 32 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Theatre/concert Hall | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Devon Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sheldon Row | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Buckenham Drive | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sutherland Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Dun Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Blackwell Court | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Blast Lane | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Weigh Lane | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Fitzalan Square | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Burgess Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Chatham Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Firshill Avenue | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Catherine Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Earl Marshal Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Parking Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Scargill Croft | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Talbot Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sheldon Row | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Batworth Drive | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Cooks Wood Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Adelaide Lane | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Anson Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Snig Hill | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Bressingham Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Spital Hill | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sussex Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
POSSESSION OF WEAPONS | 12 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Fitzalan Square | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near White's Lane | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Angel Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shirley Road | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Offender given a caution | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near St John's Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Carwood Grove | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Hallcar Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near George Street | Awaiting court outcome | 2024-11 |
THEFT FROM THE PERSON | 12 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near York Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Earldom Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Leopold Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
ROBBERY | 6 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Esperanto Place | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near East Parade | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Skinnerthorpe Road | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Under investigation | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Esperanto Place | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near High Street | Unable to prosecute suspect | 2024-11 |
BICYCLE THEFT | 4 | Loading... | |
Month | Street Name | Outcome Category | Outcome Date |
2024-11 | On or near Sturton Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Gilbert Street | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Sturton Road | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |
2024-11 | On or near Shopping Area | Investigation complete; no suspect identified | 2024-11 |