🕌 Jumu'ah Salaah (Northampton, Northamptonshire)

📩 Address: Abington Community Centre, Wheatfield Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 2NE

☎️ Contact: 07801 735395 🧕👨 Gender: Male (Only)

🏪 Type: Multi Faith/Prayer Room/Hired Hall

📊 Data Accuracy: B - Very Good

📑 Additional Information

🔔 Following: Unknown

👨‍👨Management: none

📜 Other Names: Medina Masjid and Community Centre, Gulzar-e-Madina Welfare Trust

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Capacity: 125

⏰ Prayer Times

22/02/2505:28 AM12:13 PM02:53 PM05:28 PM07:00 PM
23/02/2505:26 AM12:13 PM02:54 PM05:29 PM07:01 PM
24/02/2505:24 AM12:13 PM02:56 PM05:31 PM07:03 PM
25/02/2505:22 AM12:13 PM02:57 PM05:33 PM07:05 PM
26/02/2505:20 AM12:13 PM02:58 PM05:35 PM07:06 PM
27/02/2505:18 AM12:13 PM02:59 PM05:36 PM07:08 PM
28/02/2505:16 AM12:12 PM03:01 PM05:38 PM07:10 PM
01/03/2505:14 AM12:12 PM03:02 PM05:40 PM07:12 PM
02/03/2505:12 AM12:12 PM03:03 PM05:42 PM07:13 PM
03/03/2505:10 AM12:12 PM03:05 PM05:44 PM07:15 PM

🌦️ Current Weather

Location: Northampton, Northamptonshire, UK

Local Time: 2025-02-22 15:30

Weather Icon

Weather: Partly cloudy


12 ℃ (53.6 ℉)


11.4 mph (18.4 kph)

Degree: 251

Direction: WSW

Gust: 15.8 mph (25.5 kph)

Weather Report

Today on February 22, 2025, the temperature will be 12℃ (53.6℉). It will feel like 10℃ (50.1℉). The wind will be 11.4 mph (18.4 kph) and humidity will be 71%.

🌤️ 3-Day Forecast

DateConditionMax Temp (℃/℉)Min Temp (℃/℉)
Weather Icon 2025-02-22Patchy rain nearby11 ℃ (51.8 ℉)4.8 ℃ (40.6 ℉)
Weather Icon 2025-02-23Patchy rain nearby10.8 ℃ (51.5 ℉)4.3 ℃ (39.8 ℉)
Weather Icon 2025-02-24Moderate rain11.8 ℃ (53.2 ℉)5.5 ℃ (41.8 ℉)

👨‍💼 Local Parliamentary Information

Display As: Lucy Rigby List As: Rigby, Lucy
MP Name: Lucy Rigby MP Gender: Female
Constituency: Northampton North Party Name: Labour
Mp parliamentary email: lucy.rigby.mp@parliament.uk Mp constituency email: lucy.rigby.mp@parliament.uk
Mp parliamentary phone: 0207 219 7605 Mp constituency phone: 01604 915131
House Start Date: 2024-07-04 Status: Current Member

👮 Local Crime Data

Crime Data for Latitude: 52.25331497, Longitude: -0.86493802

Crime Categories (Highest Count First)

Category Count Action
VIOLENT CRIME 96 Loading...
SHOPLIFTING 74 Loading...
OTHER THEFT 21 Loading...
VEHICLE CRIME 20 Loading...
BURGLARY 13 Loading...
PUBLIC ORDER 11 Loading...
DRUGS 9 Loading...
ROBBERY 7 Loading...
OTHER CRIME 3 Loading...
BICYCLE THEFT 1 Loading...