🕌 Madina Masjid & Islamic Centre (Coldhurst, Oldham, Lancashire)

📩 Address: 29 Stansfield Street, Coldhurst, Oldham, Lancashire, OL1 2HA

☎️ Contact: 0161 678 6862 🧕👨 Gender: Male (Only)

🏪 Type: Masjid/Mosque

📊 Data Accuracy: A - Excellent

📑 Additional Information

🔔 Following: Sufi - Fultoli

👨‍👨Management: Bangladeshi

📜 Other Names: Coldhurst Mosque Committee

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Capacity: 500

⏰ Prayer Times

20/02/2505:33 AM12:14 PM02:49 PM05:23 PM06:55 PM
21/02/2505:31 AM12:14 PM02:51 PM05:25 PM06:57 PM
22/02/2505:29 AM12:13 PM02:52 PM05:27 PM06:59 PM
23/02/2505:27 AM12:13 PM02:53 PM05:28 PM07:00 PM
24/02/2505:25 AM12:13 PM02:55 PM05:30 PM07:02 PM
25/02/2505:23 AM12:13 PM02:56 PM05:32 PM07:04 PM
26/02/2505:21 AM12:13 PM02:57 PM05:34 PM07:05 PM
27/02/2505:19 AM12:13 PM02:59 PM05:36 PM07:07 PM
28/02/2505:17 AM12:12 PM03:00 PM05:37 PM07:09 PM
01/03/2505:13 AM12:12 PM03:02 PM05:41 PM07:12 PM

🌦️ Current Weather

Location: Oldham, Lancashire, UK

Local Time: 2025-02-20 20:02

Weather Icon

Weather: Clear


11.1 ℃ (52 ℉)


10.1 mph (16.2 kph)

Degree: 203

Direction: SSW

Gust: 17.5 mph (28.2 kph)

Weather Report

Today on February 20, 2025, the temperature will be 11.1℃ (52℉). It will feel like 9.1℃ (48.5℉). The wind will be 10.1 mph (16.2 kph) and humidity will be 82%.

🌤️ 3-Day Forecast

DateConditionMax Temp (℃/℉)Min Temp (℃/℉)
Weather Icon 2025-02-20Patchy rain nearby11.2 ℃ (52.2 ℉)6.7 ℃ (44 ℉)
Weather Icon 2025-02-21Patchy rain nearby13.4 ℃ (56.2 ℉)7.2 ℃ (45 ℉)
Weather Icon 2025-02-22Partly Cloudy 10.3 ℃ (50.6 ℉)5 ℃ (40.9 ℉)

👨‍💼 Local Parliamentary Information

Display As: Jim McMahon List As: McMahon, Jim
MP Name: Jim McMahon MP Gender: Male
Constituency: Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton Party Name: Labour (Co-op)
Website: http://www.jimmcmahon.co.uk/ Mp parliamentary email: jim.mcmahon.mp@parliament.uk
Mp constituency email: jim.mcmahon.mp@parliament.uk Mp parliamentary phone: 020 7219 3000
Mp constituency phone: 0161 652 8485 Twitter: @https://twitter.com/JimfromOldham
House Start Date: 2015-12-03 Status: Current Member

👮 Local Crime Data

No crime data available for the provided location and date.